Sunday, September 15, 2013

1st Annual Ramen Yokocho Festival

This was the first Los Angeles Ramen Yokocho Festival. Which was featuring twelve popular ramen shops from Los Angeles, San Jose, Las Vegas, Hawaii, and Japan. 

 Here as you can see, the line was already super long... Keep in mind that the event started at 10AM and we arrived there around 1PM

 Here we are waiting at the end of the slow to non-moving line.

 Ken rocking that Illest x Transformer tee.

 So... we found a "secret" entrance to the festival without having to wait in that forever long line.


Little did we know, there was another line that we had to get in line for to get ticket vouchers to even get the ramen itself.

 This kid sat right in the middle of the quad and had his amazing bowl of ramen in front of all of us who were still waiting in line for vouchers.

 This was how most of the shops had set up their kitchens.

 Here we have a ramen style hamburger, the "buns" were replaced with grilled ramen.

 And to top off the festival, Ryan "accidentally" cracked his ramen bowl which made him to drop everything to the ground.

Right after Ryan had dropped his ramen, there was a crowd forming around it to capture this sad tragedy.

Over all, the day was long and hot. It was long because most of the "good" ramen shops had lines queuing in over 3hrs each. Other than waiting in the heat, the ramen was very satisfying. I guess a good tip to keep in mind is to get there early... and bring plenty of water to stay hydrated.

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