Thursday, June 6, 2013

"Never say goodbye..."

Here we are sitting around watching hot air-balloons that day. From left to right: Sam, Josh, Steph, Me. 

I made some time and went to visit my grandma yesterday. I don't visit as much as I would like to... but when I do, it feels like I had stepped into a time machine and I'm back to being a kid all over again. Walking throughout the house, I am surrounded by nostalgic items such as; building blocks I would play countless hours with, paintings and drawings we had done as kids that are now framed and hung on the walls. Photo albums containing embarrassing photos of us doing goofy things. Random photos of us on the fridge... (such as the one above)

I truly enjoy the endless stories she would tell about how we were when we were younger; stories about her childhood; stories about current issues; and stories about endless life experiences and life lessons.

There is never a dull moment; it feels like every moment is a life lesson. Always leaving there wiser and beloved.

Something that I will always remember was that she taught us to never say "goodbye", but instead to say "see you later..."

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