Friday, May 31, 2013

Limited "Oniwakamaru" Gi by Muae Wear

Featured on this gi by Muae Wear is "Oniwakamaru". This Japanese worrior (Benkei) is commonly depicted as a man of great strength and loyalty.

Oniwakamaru meaning "Young Devil" was the childhood name of Musashibo Benkei, the stalwart follower of Minamoto no Yoshitsune, a 12th century general who remains one of Japan's best loved historical figures. In his youth, Benkei is said to have stalked and killed a giant carp which had eaten his mother after she fell into the pool where the fish lived.

Sad that I missed out on this release because this is one of my favorite Japanese folklore.


  1. "Benkei is said to have stalked and killed a giant crap which had eaten his mother after she fell into the pool where the fish lived."

